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Neverwas Family

Starting 2019 in Austin Texas

Bear with me. Writing is one of my biggest challenges and I’m looking to improve my writing with this blog. So Shit is basically going to be allover the place for a little bit. Hopefully, some of it will make sense while other parts will be a good laugh. Enjoy.

Also, I’m open to any feedback. Be it, my grammar, writing style, and or suggestions on what you would like hear about.


A family. I’ve come to realize like most of you have already have, a family is one the most important group of people to have in your life. Be it your immediate family, skateboard family, close friends, longtime partners, work family, they all bring an element to ones life. As I begin my journey into 2019, I recently have been reminded of all families I’ve come to know. Starting with a family that I unsuspectingly come to know. The Neverwas Austin skateboard family, an incredible group of people that have taken me in as part their own has opened their homes to me, let me park in their driveways ( thank you the dvorsky’s ), skate some of the best ditches, while providing positive energy 100% of the time.

Which brings me BACK TO AUSIN. I’m back where I need to be to start my journey in 2019 with my Austin Skateboard family. I’m in the place I need to be at the moment to get 2019 going! While in the past years I’ve strayed away from new years goals however this year I’ve got a few I’m look to achieve. Starting with a dedication to writing here more. This is my biggest challenge since I’ve never been a good writer. Hell I’m not even an ok writer. So this definitely a work in progress. Another goal of mine is to consistently go to the gym. In the past I’ve looked at going to the gym to workout as a way to improve my physique. However, this time around my approach is different. The way I’m looking at it this time is commitment to a routine. A routine that is the basis of committing to other routines. For example, taking photos more often, documenting my travels, getting up earlier than 10am. Oh and one other one I’ve been experimenting with. Back in October/ November I had a streak of no alcohol. It wasn’t something that I needed to do but I figured why not. And I noticed that it was much easier than I anticipated. I lost about 15 pounds, felt WAY better mentally and physically. So, I’m going to give that another go. I’m wicked excited about 2019, its goal, and adventure.


Here are some of my images captured during my adventures in 2018

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